Research Areas: AI for Healthcare, Digital and Computational Health, Data Science, Wearable Technology
I direct the Augmented Health Lab at Dartmouth College. Details on my current projects and research team can be found at
Current/Recent Students
Prajakta Belsare, a CIFellow (2021 - 2023)
Now a professor at James Madison University (JMU)
Graduate Students
Baiying Lu, Ph.D. Student (2021 - date)
Yanjun Cui, Ph.D. Student (2022 - date)
Biratal Wagle, M.S. Student (2024 - date)
Antara Sengupta, M.S. Student (2024 - date)
Abigail Bartolome, Ph.D. Student (2018 - 2023)
Olawale Akinola, M.S. Student (2023)
Chucheng Wang, M.S. Student (2021 - 2023)
Ke Lou, M.S. Student (2021-2023)
Xingjian Diao, Ph.D. Student (2022)
Undergrad. Students
Sebastian Frazier (2023)
Dahlia Igiraneza (2023)
Aimen Abdulaziz (2022)
Denva Nesbeth, Jr., (2021)
Gabriel Asher (2021)
Selected Publications
B. Lu, Y. Cui, P. Belsare, C. Stanger, T. Prioleau, "Mealtime Prediction using Wearable Insulin Pump Data to Support Diabetes Management," vol. 14, no. 21013, Scientific Reports, 2024.
P. Belsare, A. Bartolome, C. Stanger, T. Prioleau, "Understanding Temporal Changes annd Seasonal Variations in Glycemic Trends using Wearabale Data," vol. 9, issue 38, Science Advances, 2023.
T. Prioleau, A. Bartolome, R. Comi, C. Stanger, "DiaTrend: A Dataset from Advanced Diabetes Technology to Enable Development of Novel Analytic Solutions," Scientific Data, vol. 10, no. 556, 2023.
T. Prioleau, "HealthMine: Improving the Use of Personal Health Data to Understand and Influence Diabetes Outcomes," Accepted to Health Data Science Symposium at Harvard, 2022.
A. Bartolome and T. Prioleau, "A Computational Framework for Discovering Digital Biomarkers of Glycemic Control," vol. 5, issue 111, npj Digital Medicine, 2022 (impact factor: 15.3).
P. Belsare, B. Lu, A. Bartolome, T. Prioleau, "Investigating Temporal Patterns of Glycemic Control around Holidays," Int. Conf. on Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2022.
A. Bartolome, S. Shah, T. Prioleau, "GlucoMine: A Case for Improving the Use of Wearable Device Data in Diabetes Management," Proc. ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2021. see pdf.
S. Shah, T. Prioleau, "A Data-Driven Approach to Predict Carbohydrate Counting Errors in Diabetes Management," Dartmouth College Undergraduate Thesis, 2021. Abstract accepted & presented at Diabetes Technology Meeting, 2021.
K. Gu, S. Vosoughi, T. Prioleau, "SymptomID: A Framework for Rapid Symptom Identification in Pandemics using News Reports," ACM Trans. on Management Information Systems (TMIS), vol. 12, issue 4, 2021. see pdf.
T. Prioleau, "Learning from the Experiences of COVID-19 Survivors: Web-based Study Survey," JMIR Formative Research, vol. 5, no. 5, May 2021. see pdf.
G. Ash et al., "Establishing a Global Standard for Wearable Devices in Sport and Exercise Medicine: Perspectives from Academic and Industry Stakeholders," Sports Medicine, vol. 51, no. 11, 2021.
T. Li, D. Bai, T. Prioleau, N. Bui, T. Vu, X. Zhou, "Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring using Polarized Light," Proc. of the 18th Conf. on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, 2020. see pdf.
R. Hallman, A. Chikkula, T. Prioleau, "Predicting Criticality in COVID-19 Patients," ACM Conf. on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM-BCB), 2020. see pdf & video.
T. Prioleau, A. Sabharwal, M. Vasudevan, "Understanding Reflection Needs for Personal Health Data in Diabetes," Int. Conf. on Pervasive Computing Technology for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth), 2020. see pdf & video.
S. Vhaduri, T. Prioleau, "Adherence to Personal Health Devices: A Case Study in Diabetes Management," Int. Conf. on Pervasive Computing Technology for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth), 2020. see pdf & video.
K. Gu, R. Dang, T. Prioleau, "Neural Physiological Model: A Simple Module for Blood Glucose Prediction," Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2020.
S. Morton, R. Li, S. Dibbo, T. Prioleau, "Data-Driven Insights on Behavioral Factors that Affect Diabetes Management," Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2020.
V. Nathan, S. Paul, T. Prioleau, L. Niu, B.J. Mortazavi, S.A. Cambone, A. Veeraraghavan, A. Sabharwal, R. Jafari, "A survey on smart homes for aging in place: Toward solutions to the specific needs of the elderly," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2018. see pdf.
N. Goel, T. Chaspari, B.J. Mortazavi, T. Prioleau, A. Sabharwal, R. Gutierrez-Osuna, "Knowledge-driven dictionaries for sparse representation of continuous glucose monitoring signals," Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2018. see pdf.
T. Chaspari, B.J. Mortazavi, T. Prioleau, A. Sabharwal, R. Gutierrez-Osuna, "Sparse representation models of continuous glucose monitoring time-series," 2018. see pdf.
A. Bedri, R. Li, M. Haynes, R.P. Kosaraju, I. Grover, T. Prioleau, M.Y Beh, M. Goel, T. Starner, G. Abowd, "EarBit: Using Wearable Sensors to Detect Eating Episodes in Unconstrained Environments," Journal Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2017. see pdf.
T. Prioleau, E. Moore, M. Ghovanloo, "Unobtrusive and Wearable Systems for Automatic Dietary Monitoring," IEEE Trans. of Biomedical Engineering (TBME), 2017. (see pdf)
E. Thomaz, A. Bedri, T. Prioleau, Irfan Essa, Gregory D Abowd, "Exploring Symmetric and Asymmetric Bimanual Eating Detection with Inertial Sensors on the Wrist," Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Digital Biomarkers, 2017.
T. Prioleau, Y. Heng, A. Veeraraghavan, A. Sabharwal, "Exploring the effect of food intake and physical activity on body weight," IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI), 2017.
T. Olubanjo, Towards Automatic Food Intake Monitoring using Wearable Sensor-Based Systems, Ph.D Electrical & Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, August 2016.
T. Olubanjo, E. Moore, M. Ghovanloo, "Detecting Food Intake Acoustic Events in Noisy Recordings Using Template Matching," IEEE Int. Conf. on Biomed. & Health Informatics (BHI), Feb. 2016.
A. Liutkus, T. Olubanjo, E. Moore, M. Ghovanloo, "Source Separation for Target Enhancement of Food Intake Acoustics from Noisy Recordings," IEEE Workshop on App. of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), Oct. 2015.
T. Olubanjo, M. Ghovanloo, "Tracheal Activity Recognition Based on Acoustic Signals," IEEE Eng. in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), Aug. 2014. Best Student Paper.
T. Olubanjo, M. Ghovanloo, "Real-Time Swallowing Detection Based on Tracheal Acoustics," IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May. 2014.
N. Sephus, T. Olubanjo, D. Anderson, "Enhancing Online Music Lesson with Applications in Automating Self-Learning Tutorials and Performance Assessment," IEEE Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Dec. 2013.
Y. Choi, T. Olubanjo, A. Farajidavar, M. Ghovanloo, "Potential Barriers in Adoption of a Medication Compliance Neckwear by Elderly Population," IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biology Conference (EMBC), July 2013.